Transport, accompanying goods and values

Activities specific to this service section are the collection and deposit of cash (lei and currency); cash transfer (lei and currency); collection in the "cash-in transit" system; transfer of valuables (treasury).

Are you interested in our services?

Contact us by phone: 0268 315 129, or by email: office@protectoragency .ro.

Professional transport and escort services for goods and valuables - Protector Agency - with more than 20 years of experience in the field.

The security of the transport of goods and valuables, consisting of sums of money, credit securities, checks or other documents of value, metals and precious stones, is ensured with specially intended means of transport and is carried out, as the case may be, with gendarmes, own personnel or a specialized security and protection company, armed with firearms, under the law.

The security of the transport of goods and valuables or of those of a special nature is organized and executed according to the provisions of the security plan, drawn up by the unit whose goods or valuables are transported together with the providing unit, with the approval of the police. Regardless of the nature of the transport, it will be guarded by at least one armed person, within the locality, and by a minimum of two, outside it.

Vehicles intended for the transport of goods and valuables or those of a special nature, provided for in art. 25, is equipped with technical security, alarm, monitoring, location and surveillance devices, designed to ensure the security of accompanying persons, goods, valuables and special products transported, and is equipped with radio communication technology on frequencies approved according to the law.

Are you interested in our services?

Contact us by phone: 0268 315 129, or by email: office@protectoragency .ro.
PROTECTOR AGENCY - Your security professionals

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